Teachers Mutual Bank Limited has made some changes to their product and fees. The following applies to all of their divisions:
- Firefighters Mutual Bank
- Health Professionals Bank
- Teachers Mutual Bank
- UniBank
Interest Rates
- Please click here for their interest rate card effective 22 January 2025. You can also access it from their Broker Portal Products page.
Your Way Plus Variable and Essential Worker
Essential Worker products (if so named) are to be removed from your system and CRMs. What was previously advertised as the Your Way Plus (Essential worker discount) is now Your Way Plus (for all variable rates).
All Your Way Plus Variable home loans now benefit from what was the 0.05% essential worker discount so any Your Way Plus Variable rate products were reduced by 0.05%.
- Please note: For their Your Way Plus product (fixed or variable) the eligible essential worker benefit remains in place which is that the annual package fee ($300) is waived for eligible essential workers buying their first home.
Full Valuation Fee
Within their product representation any reference to “Full Valuation Fee” or “Up to $700” or “$700” that relates to a valuation fee are to be removed.
This applies to both Your Way and Your Way Plus products.
Additional reference documents updated
Available on their Broker Portal (https://broker.tmbank.com.au/)
- Product Matrix
- Fees and Charges
If you have any questions, refer to your PSM.