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Does your client need life insurance?

When it comes to loans, you know how to get the best deal for your client. And if you’re registered to refer your clients to AIA for life or health insurance, then you probably understand the benefits of having that kind of personal protection in place. But how do you raise the subject?

Insurance can be a difficult topic to talk about because it involves thinking about worst case scenarios. But that’s exactly why it’s so important. As a broker, you don’t need to be an expert in insurance, but you can refer your clients to the experts at AIA Financial Wellbeing who can explain the options, provide a quote and help them apply.

Download AIA’s handy Life Insurance Conversation Guide for the questions you can ask to help your clients consider their need for income protection and life insurance, at different stages of the home loan journey.

TIP: The Conversation Guide can be found with other handy tools and info on the AIA Broker Hub.

How to refer

Referring your clients to AIA Financial Wellbeing is easy. Just complete the referral form and AIA will do the rest. They’ll also update you at all key milestones of your client’s journey with AIA, so you’ll always know where they’re at. A successful sale means a better protected client and a referral payment to you.

Refer a client today.

If you have any questions, refer to your PSM.