Team motivation can boost productivity, efficiency and ultimately take your business to new heights. Here are some easy tips small businesses can follow
#1 Right level of autonomy
Being too hands-off or being too involved is generally counterproductive. Take a balanced approach. Work with your team to identify the right time and frequency to connect for updates. Also, allow your team members sufficient room to make decisions and figure out solutions to challenges. Give them ample space to experiment as well. Be available for support and guidance but train team members to become accountable and groom them for roles with greater responsibility.
#2 Balance of monetary and non-monetary benefits
As a small business competing with more prominent established brands that have deep pockets may be challenging. Focus on providing your team with benefits larger organisations can’t. Some possibilities include
- Exposure: Larger organisations have very focused and siloed roles that offer a minimal view of the bigger picture. As a smaller business, your team member can do and learn a lot more.
- Flexibility: Offer teammates flexibility with work timings and location if possible. Allow a team member with a sick child to work from home for a few days. Give someone who has just wrapped up a massive stressful project some time off. Team members will notice and value these perks.
- Career progression: While larger organisations may offer a bigger brand and pay packet, career progression may be a different story. As a small business, you can benefit from acknowledging and rewarding hardworking employees with more significant roles.
- Team culture and bonding: You can create a fun and vibrant culture to motivate and attract potential employees from larger organisations with impersonal work set-ups. Even a small budget can go a long way. Consider fun events like ‘bring your pet to work day’ or ‘family day’. If possible, arrange small get-togethers where team members can get their spouses. Ask for and act on employee feedback on how to improve team bonding and culture.
#3 Effective communications
Be transparent, regular, and clear in your communication. Give credit when it’s due. Take time to notice the hard work your team puts in. Maybe someone stayed back late to help with a deadline, or someone’s innovative idea sealed an important client deal. Acknowledge good work in whatever way you can, even if it’s by saying a simple thank you. If your budget allows it, give out small gifts or bonuses. Also, make sure that your criticism is timely, constructive and given professionally in person. Each team member is different. Work on ways to identify the best way to communicate with each member. Communication needs to be a two-way dialogue. Regularly and proactively ask for employee feedback on what they need from you to do their job better. Do your best to implement this feedback. Finally, regularly check in on your team. Is there someone struggling with an assignment and needs your support? Does a team member need a team change?
#4 Up-skilling Avenues
Be invested in the careers of team members. Money and time spent on upskilling can have significant benefits for your business. If can’t offer external training, develop avenues for internal peer to peer mentoring. Upskilled team members are not only more motivated and productive but are also valuable assets.
If you are part of a franchise model, you can benefit from regular guidance and support on best practices around team motivation. Click HERE to reach us for a discussion.