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Keeping you updated at every step of your client’s journey with AIA

AIA Financial Wellbeing has enhanced its broker feedback loop to give you greater visibility of your client’s journey when you refer them.

Now when you refer a client, you’ll be kept informed at all key milestones including:

·       As soon as AIA receives your referral

·       Outcome of the referral – whether or not your client proceeds with the quote

·       An update on the progress of your client’s insurance application 

·       Confirmation of policy implementation 

You’ll also be notified if the AIA team has been unable to reach your client after several attempts.

Life is busy and the path to purchasing life insurance can take time from quote to underwriting and implementation; but with these regular updates you’ll always know what stage of the process your client is at from the moment you refer them through to sale, every step of the way.

Start referring today

You can refer your clients for life cover, income protection or health insurance by using this Referral form and AIA will do the rest. You’ll need to be accredited to receive referral payments.

Not yet accredited? 

Speak to your State Manager to find out how to get accredited.