CommBank has been made aware of the use of Sherlok by Residential Mortgage Brokers. CommBank is aware of brokers providing delegate access / Commbroker login to Sherlok in order for Sherlok to obtain access to their repricing tool. In adding a Delegate, Brokers are instructed that a “Delegate must only be set up from your own company. Do not nominate a delegate from another company”.
CommBank want to reinforce that the creation of Delegates for Sherlok use would be considered by CBA a Broker facilitating in the unauthorised access of CommBank’s systems, and a breach of the Broker Code of Conduct. As CommBank have identified this behaviour/practice, they are removing CommBroker Accesses suspected to be linked to Sherlok and reaching out to Brokers to advise them that this behaviour is not accepted practice.
Please be advised that if CoomBank identifies any further users of Sherlok associated with CommBank accredited mortgage brokers, they will apply further consequences which include but are not limited to de-accreditation with CommBank.
For any other questions please reach out to your PSM.