VMG supports clients in overcoming financial struggles

VMG supports clients in overcoming financial struggles

VMG can help your clients overcome their financial struggles. See below a recent scenario and how they helped a Single PAYG Tradesperson through Debt Consolidation.

Customer:  Single Applicant – PAYG Trades Person 

Loan Amount: $552,000 

Debt consolidation of 8 loans

Outcome: Applicant had been left with a full debt burden after separating from his partner. For over 2 years, he had worked hard to service all debts, successfully doing so initially, then falling into a period of late/missed payments. He rectified the financial situation but, as interest rates continued to rise, identified the warning signs of again finding it difficult to service all debts, with recent servicing history being patchy at best. With a full understanding of the customer’s situation and acknowledging his good intent and efforts to both manage and better his financial position, VMG was able to consolidate all debts and improve both his cash flow and personal lifestyle. The total monthly repayments were $1,290 per month less than what he had been paying demonstrating VMG was putting him in a better financial position.

VMG’s team is dedicated to delivering outstanding service and support. If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact them.

If you have any questions, refer to your Vow Financial BDM.